Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)


Was your vehicle damaged by hitting a pothole on a City of Chicago street? Was your property damaged by actions or negligence by the City of Chicago and/or its employees?

If so, you may be able to receive compensation from the City of Chicago for some or all of the costs you incurred.

In most cities/towns, if you find yourself in a situation like above, you would be required to file a case with the small claims court or similar court system.  In Chicago, however, claims such as these are reviewed and settled by the Chicago City Council passing and ordinance to award damages.

How to Assemble Your Claim Packet

When you submit a claim, you are basically arguing your case, similar to how a lawyer might try a case before a judge. Therefore, it is important that you make a case that is complete by assembling the required materials ahead of time before you submit your claim.

Property Damage
  • Completed and signed Property Damage Claim Form
  • Two written estimates for the cost of repairing the damage (a copy of each is sufficient)
  • Copy of a police report for the incident that resulted in the damage