Executive Orders

Executive orders are official directives or commands from the Mayor to agencies in the executive branch. These orders generally concern the implementation or enforcement of rules, policies and procedures which have the force of law.

For your convenience, we have published these Executive Orders to the document library in the table below.  Please note in the table below adjacent to each Executive Order title and date signed, there is a corresponding download link.

Executive Order Mayor Description Date Signed Download
1984-6 Harold Washington City Departments Prohibited From Purchase of Leaded Gasoline Download(51.96 KB)
1984-5 Harold Washington Establish Chicago Board of Education Citizens Nominating Committee Download(115.95 KB)
1984-4 Harold Washington Benefits Committee Download(431.23 KB)
1984-3 Harold Washington Chicago Tourism Council Download(105.55 KB)
1984-2 Harold Washington Mayor's Advisory Commission on Asian-American Affairs Download(108.8 KB)
1984-1a Harold Washington Amendment of Executive Order 84-1 Download(67.21 KB)
1984-1 Harold Washington Mayor's Advisory Commission on Women's Affairs Download(52.05 KB)
1983-5 Harold Washington Excuse from Duty With Pay for Employees Observing Hindu Holiday of Diwali Download(492.42 KB)
1983-3 Harold Washington Mayor's Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs Download(92.24 KB)
1983-4 Harold Washington Contents and Procedures for Preliminary Budget Report Download(272.69 KB)
1983-2 Harold Washington Excuse From Duty With Pay for Employees Observing Jewish Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Download(48.72 KB)
1983-1 Harold Washington Public Access to City Records Download(221.15 KB)
1982 Jane Margaret Byrne Peoples Gas Download(29.95 KB)
1979 Jane Margaret Byrne Memorial Day Download(30.65 KB)
1978-1 Michael Anthony Bilandic Liquor Sales Suspension Download(34.93 KB)
1978 Michael Anthony Bilandic Energy Conservation Policies Download(148.48 KB)