On this page you can find:
CityKey Document Guides
Learn more about and review the documents you need to apply for a Chicago CityKey.
- Document Guide for Adult ID
- Document Guide for Adult ID (French)
- Document Guide for Adult ID (Spanish)
- Document Guide for Adult ID (Polish)
- Document Guide for Kids ID
- Document Guide for Teens and Young Adults
- Document Guide for Veteran Designation
CityKey Application
Ready to apply for your CityKey? Fill out the CityKey application form (located below) and bring the application form along with your documents to our next CityKey event.
Delegate Agency Form
If you need help applying for a Chicago CityKey, please visit one of the CityKey Delegate Agencies. They are here to help you understand the CityKey Program, go over the eligibility requirements, and help you put your application together. To download, visit the Delegate Agency form page.
CityKey Care of Letter
If you are a nonprofit or government agency that needs to help an individual prove their residency, please fill out the CityKey Care of Letter.
Caretaker Attestation Form
If you are between the ages of 14 to 21 and do not have documentation to prove your residency in the City of Chicago use this form with an eligible caretaker. The caretaker can attest for your residency if they meet the Proof of Identity, Proof of Residency, and can verify a legal relationship. To download, visit the Caretaker Attestation Form page.
Appeals Form
If your CityKey Application was denied during your appointment, use this Form to have someone from the Office of the City Clerk to review your case. To download, visit the Appeals Form page.
Looking to host a CityKey event?
CityKey Mobile Site Request Form
Looking to host a CityKey mobile site at your organization or in your neighborhood? Fill out the Mobile Site Form and email it to CityKey@CityofChicago.org.
CityKey Aldermanic Request Form
If your Aldermanic office is interested in hosting a CityKey mobile site, fill out the CityKey Aldermanic Request Form and submit it to Ian.Eulinberg@CityofChicago.org
Download the CityKey Guide (in English and Spanish)
Learn all about your CityKey ID with this introductory guide. To download, visit the CityKey guide document page.