Originally settled by Jean Baptiste Point du Sable in the 1770s and incorporated as a city on March 4, 1837, Chicago developed from a small trading center on the shores of Lake Michigan to the vibrant modern metropolis of today. The city is divided into municipal legislative districts called “wards,” each represented in City Council by an Alderperson. The original six wards established under the city’s first charter in 1837 have grown to the 50 now in effect. The City of Chicago is a home rule unit of government under the Illinois Constitution and thereby authorized to perform certain functions pertaining to its government and affairs. The powers and duties of the City of Chicago are exercised by the Mayor, the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, and the City Council.
Visit the Office of the City Clerk's Electronic Legislative Management System (eLMS)
- Mayor
Mayor Brandon Johnson The Mayor is the chief executive of the city and is responsible for the administration and management of various city departments. The Mayor submits proposals and recommendations to the City Council and is active in the enforcement of the city’s ordinances. The Mayor also submits the city’s annual budget and appoints city officers, department commissioners or directors, and members of city boards and commissions.
During meetings of the City Council, the Mayor serves as the presiding officer of the City Council. In the absence of the Mayor, the President Pro Tempore, who is a member of and elected by the City Council, acts as presiding officer. The Mayor submits proposals and recommendations to the City Council of their own accord and on behalf of city departments.
Although a member of the City Council, the Mayor is not allowed to vote on issues except in certain instances, for example where the vote taken on a matter before the body results in a tie. However, the President Pro Tempore can vote on all legislative matters.
- City Clerk
City Clerk Anna Valencia The City Clerk is the official record keeper for the City Council and the designated repository for city documents. The City Clerk also maintains the corporate seal of the city and publishes the official legislative record of City Council actions in the Journal of Proceedings and related pamphlets as directed by state or municipal law or upon direction of the City Council.
Read more about the Office of the City Clerk.
- City Treasurer
City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin The City Treasurer is the custodian and manager of all cash and investments for the City of Chicago, the four City employee pension funds and the Chicago Teacher’s Pension.
In addition, the Treasurer’s Office manages a number of programs that promote economic development in Chicago.
Each year the Treasurer is required to file an annual report with the City Council summarizing the city’s investment portfolio including the monies received, invested and dispersed.
- Alderperson
Alderpersons are legislators and members of the City Council who serve a four-year term to represent the residents of a district or area of the city known as a ward. Nominated by petition of the voters of each ward, elections are held on the last Tuesday in February in the year preceding the presidential election. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in that election, a run-off election between the two highest candidates is held on the first Tuesday in April of the same year.
By custom, an alderperson is a source of information and intermediary on behalf of their constituency about city functions and services within the ward. Many alderpersons maintain an office within the ward to provide greater service to their constituents.
Find Your Alderperson
Use the Ward/Alderperson member page and Zone Look-Up page.
City Council & Committees
The City Council is the legislative branch of government of the City of Chicago. In accordance with Illinois law (65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-5) it consists of the Mayor, the City Clerk, and alderpersons elected from each of the 50 wards to serve four-year terms. The legislative powers of the City Council are granted by the state legislature and by the home rule provisions of the Illinois constitution. Within specified limits, the City Council has the general right to exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs including, but not limited to, the power to regulate for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare; to license; to tax; and to incur debt.
As established by resolution, the City Council is organized into sixteen standing committees. The jurisdiction, membership and appointment of a chair and vice-chair are approved by the City Council. Subcommittees may be established for consideration of subject matter under the authority of the parent committee as determined by the chair. Special committees may be created by the City Council upon resolution adopted by a 2/3 vote of the Alderpersons. Committees meet on call of the chair or upon request of a majority of the members.
At the beginning of each term, the City Council elects one of its members to serve as President Tempore to preside over Council meetings in the absence of the Mayor and adopts parliamentary rules and regulations governing its meetings. Also, in accordance with Illinois law, the City Council elects a Vice-Mayor who serves as Interim Mayor in the event of a vacancy in the office of the Mayor or the inability of the Mayor to serve due to illness or injury.
The formal legal authorization for passing legislation is contained in the Illinois Revised Statutes, the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago, and the City Council’s Rules of Order and Procedure.
- City Council Regular Meeting Agenda*
*Agenda items are shown in bold font. Text not in bold font is explanatory, for the convenience of the reader.
In accordance with Rule 3 of the City Council Rules of Order and Procedure, the following is the agenda and order of business for regular City Council meetings:
Call to order by the Mayor.
The Mayor, or in his or her absence the President Pro Tempore, calls the City Council to order to begin the meeting.
Call of the roll.
The City Clerk calls the roll of members present beginning with the 1st Ward.
Determination of Quorum.
If a quorum is present, the Council may proceed. A quorum consists of the majority of the members of the City Council, including the Mayor. If no quorum is present, the City Council shall, by majority vote of the members present, move to recess or adjourn.
Pledge of Allegiance.
The Pledge of Allegiance is recited by the members of the City Council and assembled guests.
An invocation is given.
Public Comment.
Members of the general public may address the City Council on subject matters appearing on the meeting agenda.
Reports and Communications from the Mayor.
Reports and communications from the Mayor and City departments are announced into the record by the City Clerk and sent to the appropriate committee unless there is a 2/3 vote to Suspend the City Council’s Rules of Order and Procedure and consider them immediately. The Mayor or Presiding Officer may also present resolutions or proclamations.
Communications from the City Clerk.
The City Clerk apprises the City Council of communications from various departments and agencies that were filed in their office from the time of the previous meeting. The City Clerk also notes the publication of the previous City Council Journal and other documents required or requested to be published. Matters submitted to the City Clerk by members of the general public or other entities requiring City Council approval are also introduced and referred to the appropriate committee for deliberation.
Reports of Standing Committees.**
Standing committee chairs report out to the full City Council the recommendations of the membership on matters under their consideration. Joint committees comprising two or more standing committees also report their recommendations at this time.
**The committee agendas/reports posted on the Chicago City Council Calendar list the items that may be called for a vote at the City Council meeting and are considered to be part of the City Council meeting agenda.
Reports of Special Committees.
Special committee chairs present their reports. Special committees are created by resolution adopted by 2/3 affirmative vote of the alderpersons entitled by law to be elected.
Agreed Calendar.
Non-controversial resolutions honoring or paying tribute to individuals or organizations or ceremonial in nature are considered under the Agreed Calendar and on recommendation of the Chair of the Committee on Finance, they are voted upon as a group by the full City Council. The Agreed Calendar is also commonly referred to as the Consent Calendar.
Presentation of petitions, communication, resolutions, orders, and ordinances introduced by Alderpersons.
The City Clerk will "Call the Wards" and read into the record new legislative proposals (ordinances, orders, petitions, resolutions, or other original matters) introduced by alderpersons on a variety of topics including but not limited to Municipal Code amendments, traffic regulations, zoning matters, licensing requirements, etc. The order of presentation alternates each meeting beginning with the 1st Ward on one meeting, then the 50th Ward on the next succeeding meeting, and so forth.
Under City Council Rules, all legislative matters introduced are automatically referred to a City Council Committee without debate, unless there is a 2/3 vote of the members (34 votes are required) to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of the matter in question.
Matters may be referred to a Joint Committee for consideration; however, if two or more committees are called, the subject matter is referred, without debate, to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics.
Correction and approval of the Journal of the Proceedings of the last preceding meeting or meetings.
Corrections to the Journal of Proceedings are presented and referred to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics for review. The Chair of the Committee on Finance will also recommend that the full City Council approve of the Journal(s) of the last preceding regular meeting, as corrected, as well as any special meetings which occurred from the time of the last City Council meeting.
Unfinished Business.
Alderpersons may request that the City Council call up for consideration of previously deferred items. Notification of intentions to consider such matter(s) must be given to all alderpersons and must clearly identify the item intended to be called up for a vote.
Miscellaneous Business.
At this point in the meeting, any alderperson may motion to discharge a committee from further consideration of a matter which has been pending in committee for more than 60 days. The motion to discharge requires a majority vote of all alderpersons (26 votes are required).
Ordinance setting the next regular meeting.
An ordinance is presented setting the date and time of the next regular meeting of the City Council. If no meeting date is set, then in accordance with the Municipal Code, the regular meeting shall be held at 10:00 a.m. of every second and fourth Wednesday of each calendar month.
Roll call on omnibus.
An omnibus vote is a single roll call vote taken and applied to all items not voted upon separately, or for which another vote was not employed during the course of the meeting.
If no further business is to be considered and the meeting is concluded, then a motion is made to adjourn.
- City Council Special Meeting Agenda
Under Illinois State Statutes (65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-25), the Mayor or any three alderpersons may call a special meeting of the City Council. The call for a special meeting must be filed with the City Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the time the meeting is to convene. The call must also specify the purpose or purposes for the meeting, and the business conducted shall be to only those matters.
- Call to order by the Mayor.
The Mayor, or in his or her absence the President Pro Tempore, calls the City Council to order to begin the meeting. - Call of the roll.
The City Clerk calls the roll of members present beginning with the 1st Ward. - Determination of Quorum.
If a quorum is present the Council may proceed. A quorum consists of the majority of the members of the City Council, including the Mayor. If no quorum is present, the City Council shall, by majority vote of the members present, move to recess or adjourn. - Pledge of Allegiance.
The Pledge of Allegiance is recited by the members of the City Council and assembled guests. - Invocation.
An invocation is given. - Call for Special Meeting.
The City Clerk reads the call for the special meeting. - Public Comment.
Members of the general public may address the City Council on subject matters appearing on meeting agenda. - Presentation and Consideration of Item(s) Contained in the Call for a Special Meeting.
The specific item or items referred to in the call for the special meeting are presented. - Adjournment.
A motion is made to adjourn.
- Call to order by the Mayor.
Legislation in the City Council
Legislative bodies exercise their authority through the issuance of laws which impact our lives and livelihoods. In Chicago, the process by which laws are enacted is governed by the Illinois Revised Statutes, the Municipal Code of Chicago, and the City Council’s Rules of Order. Once a document is drafted and introduced into the City Council, it is assigned to a committee where hearings are conducted to review the proposal. Following deliberations, the Committee will report out their recommendation to the full City Council. Changes and amendments may occur at any time in the legislative process up to its final consideration by the City Council. If approved by the full City Council, the legislation becomes law.
- 1 — Introduction and Committee Referral
Legislation may be introduced by the Mayor or the executive departments, by one or more alderpersons, by a City Council committee, or by a citizen (through the City Clerk’s Office). During the legislative process, documents may be amended in part or substituted in full before final consideration.
At each City Council meeting, as the order of business progresses, the Clerk announces a very brief summary of the subject matter of each newly proposed legislative document, including the name of the sponsor and the committee to which it has been assigned.
The City Council rules provide that, after the quorum roll call and invocation, the Council receives “Reports and Communications” from city officers, which include new legislation submitted by the Mayor and the executive branch, and matters received in the City Clerk’s Office. Legislation introduced by alderpersons is presented later in the meeting during what is referred to as the “Call of the Wards” or “Alderpersons Introductions.”
Pursuant to City Council Rule 41, all proposed legislation is automatically referred to a committee for consideration and only acted upon by the City Council at a subsequent meeting. If during the presentation and reading of new business two or more committees are called for assignment of the legislation, it is automatically sent to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics which will make a recommendation regarding the conflict of jurisdiction. In cases of urgency, the City Council rules can be suspended by a 2/3 vote of the members elected, or 34 alderpersons, at which point the item can be debated and acted upon immediately.
- 2 — Consideration by Committee
After recording and processing by the City Clerk, legislative introductions are immediately transmitted to the assigned committees. The committee chair will then schedule a meeting and send a notification to the Alderpersons and City Clerk of the date, time and location of the meeting. Notification also is posted in the City Clerk’s Office, on the City Clerk’s website and outside the City Council Chamber. Under both City Council Rule 40 and the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/), except in cases of emergency, at least three days’ notice is required for holding such meetings. All committee meetings are open to the public and citizens wanting to testify at a committee meeting are advised to contact the committee prior to the scheduled meeting date.
The committee chair will provide an agenda containing a listing and brief description of the items to be considered. Although consisting primarily of legislation previously referred to the committee, City Council rules also allow operating departments to introduce legislation directly into committee to facilitate expeditious consideration or in cases of emergency. During committee review, members will discuss and debate the legislative proposals. Members also may request to hear testimony on a particular issue or may submit amendments or changes to a document. If the committee decides not to act on a matter it will remain with the committee. Under City Council Rule 41, if a legislative item is pending in committee for 30 days, the sponsor may require the chair to file a written report with the City Council of its progress; and after 60 days any alderperson may move under “Miscellaneous Business” to discharge the committee and bring up the item for immediate consideration. Such motion to discharge requires the majority vote of the full City Council (i.e., 26 votes).
If the committee recommends that an item be passed it is included on the committee’s report to the full City Council for consideration. Members may also recommend referral to another committee due to the subject matter of a particular document. Most items are approved in committee by a consensus of the members.
- 3 — Council Action
During “Reports of Committees”, chairs will report out to the full City Council on the matters referred to committee and the recommended action to “pass” or “do not pass”, unless a member or members of the body move to disapprove a committee report. Also, two alderpersons may exercise their statutory right to “defer and publish” the legislation. In such instances, the text of the ordinance is published in the Council Journals of Proceedings and final consideration for passage of the legislation is postponed until notification calling for a vote on the item is provided to all Council members. Consideration of any deferred and published item is acted upon during the “Unfinished Business” segment of City Council meetings.
The committee chair may request a roll call vote on any matter or, for expediency in approving non-controversial items, move to apply a previous roll call vote or an omnibus vote. Under City Council rules, any alderperson may request a special roll call vote.
After the City Council votes on a legislative item, an alderperson voting on the prevailing side may wish to finalize consideration of the item by reconsidering the vote. When the motion to reconsider is lost, the vote on the document becomes final. Without an immediate vote against reconsideration, an ordinance could be reconsidered at the next City Council meeting.
Mayoral Veto
If a legislative matter is passed by the City Council, the Mayor may exercise the right to veto such issue by notifying the City Council of such action before the next regular Council meeting occurring not less than five days after the vote. The members of the City Council may accept such veto or, upon 2/3 vote of the members so elected, override such veto.
Attending/Watching City Council
Live Stream Video:
For each City Council meeting, the Office of the City Clerk provides live streaming video, including captions, on our home page.
Video Archives:
Archived City Council meeting videos can be found on the Meeting Calendars.
Attending City Council Meetings:
Chicago City Council meetings are open to the public. Meetings typically begin at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers located on the second floor at City Hall.
For more information on attending a Chicago City Council meeting, please contact the Chicago City Council Sergeant-at-Arms at 312-744-6800 or via email at CityCouncilSeating@cityofchicago.org.
Disability Access:
Any person with a disability who would benefit from a reasonable accommodation in order to attend a meeting of the City Council or attend and/or address one of its committees can contact the Sergeant-at-Arms at Alvin.starks@cityofchicago.org or (312) 744-6000. Any such request should be made as far in advance of the relevant meeting as possible to provide City staff with sufficient time to make any appropriate accommodations.
- Chicago City Council Public Seating Policy
1. Definitions:
"Gallery" means the public seating areas of the City Council of the City of Chicago located on the second and third floors of City Hall.
"Meeting" means a meeting of the City Council that is required to be open to the public under the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.).
"Sergeant-at-Arms" means the Sergeant-at-Arms of the City Council.
2. General Admission:
The public is admitted to the Gallery's non-reserved seats on a first-come, first-served basis. Twenty-five (25) on the second floor and thirty-five (35) seats on the third floor shall be set aside for general admission and may not be reserved. The line for general admission forms outside the second-floor Gallery and shall not be formed prior to one hour before the scheduled starting time of a Meeting. The Sergeant-at-Arms reserves the right to seat visitors in the second-floor or third-floor Gallery based on seat availability.
3. Reserved Seats:
How to Reserve Seats
An individual or group wishing to reserve Gallery seats can do so by calling (312) 744-6800 or emailing CityCouncilSeating@cityofchicago.org no more than two weeks, and no less than 48 hours before a scheduled Meeting. Gallery seats are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. When reserving seats, you must provide to the Sergeant-at-Arms: (i) the name of the individual or representative of the group requesting the reservation, (ii) a description of the group, if applicable, (iii) the number of seats requested, and (iv) email and telephone contact information. The Sergeant-at-Arms reserves the right to limit group size, and to seat visitors in the second-floor or third-floor Gallery, based on seat availability.
Release of Reserved Seats
The Sergeant-at-Arms will release reserved seats for general admission when the reserving individual(s) vacate their seats for the rest of the Meeting, and may release reserved seats for general admission if the reserving individual(s) have not arrived within half an hour after the start of a Meeting and have not notified the Sergeant-at-Arms that they have been delayed and are on their way.
- Chicago City Council Public Comment Process - Remote Meeting with Limited In-Person Participation
The City of Chicago looks forward to accommodating a limited number of members of the public for in-person participation at the next meeting of the Chicago City Council. Individuals who wish to attend in-person must be fully vaccinated, as defined by the CDC, against the virus that causes COVID-19 or be able to offer proof of a negative result from a COVID-19 test that was conducted within 72 hours of the start of the meeting.
Public Participation
- City Hall can accommodate up to fifteen members of the public to view the meeting from the 3rd floor above Council Chamber.
- Individuals who wish to attend the meeting in-person must enter City Hall from N. LaSalle St. and line up as directed by the Sergeant-at-Arms.
- With the exception of individuals selected for public comment, attendance will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Individuals not selected to enter the meeting may remain in line on standby.
- If a member of the public leaves the meeting after it has started, the area will be disinfected, and the seat will be made available to the next individual in the standby line.
- Remote viewing of the meeting will remain available to all members of the public.
- Chicago City Council Public Comment Process
Chicago City Council
Updated Public Comment Process for Meeting Conducted by Videoconference with Limited In-Person Participation
Public comment will be split between in-person participants and remote participants.
In-person participants. Five in-person speakers will be selected by random draw. Individuals who wish to speak must enter City Hall from W. Washington St. and fill out a form provided by the Sergeant-at-Arms. In-person speakers will be selected pursuant to the Public Comment Process outlined on the Chicago City Clerk’s website.
Remote participants. After the five in-person speakers, the remaining time for public comment will be allocated to remote speakers. Individuals who wish to speak remotely must continue to follow the Public Comment Process for Meetings Conducted by Videoconference as outlined on the Chicago City Clerk’s website.
Chicago City Council Public Comment Process for Meeting Conducted by Videoconference
Persons wishing to comment at the City Council meeting conducted by videoconference shall call (312) 744-6800 and leave a voice message with their name and telephone number. Requests to comment will be accepted from 12:01 AM the Monday before the scheduled meeting until 8:00 AM on the day before the scheduled meeting. Any individual wishing to participate must be available at 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting and have access to a touch-tone telephone.
After 10:00 AM on the day before the scheduled meeting, the Sergeant-at-Arms will compile a list of names and telephone numbers of those who wish to participate and assign each person a number. The order of participants will be determined by a random draw that the Sergeant-at-Arms conducts from the assigned numbers.
Between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on the day before the scheduled meeting, the Sergeant-at-Arms will contact each selected participant at the telephone number provided, and give them instructions to access the meeting, including a telephone number and passcode. The Sergeant-at-Arms will only make one attempt to call the selected participant; if there is no live response, the selection is forfeited, and the Sergeant-at-Arms will move on the next selected participant.
At 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting, selected participants must call into the meeting from the telephone number they originally provided to the City and wait to be called upon to speak.
Please note that City Council Rule 58 limits the public comment period to 30 minutes overall, with each participant limited to three minutes, so there is no assurance that every person who submits a form or calls will have the opportunity to speak.
Persons may also submit written comments, not to exceed two pages, to public_comments@cityofchicago.org. Written comments will be accepted from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM on the day of the scheduled meeting, will be available for alderperson review during the meeting, and will be maintained by the City Clerk at the conclusion of the meeting in accordance with the Local Records Act and any other applicable laws.
Chicago City Council Committee Meetings
Public Comment Process for Chicago City Council Committee Meetings Conducted by Videoconference
Persons wishing to comment at a City Council committee meeting conducted by videoconference shall call (312) 744-6800 and leave a voice message with their name and telephone number. Requests to comment will be accepted from 10:00 AM two business days before the scheduled meeting until 9:00 AM the business day before the scheduled meeting. Any individual wishing to participate must be available at the scheduled start time of the committee meeting and have access to a touch-tone telephone.
After 9:00 AM on the business day before the scheduled meeting, the Sergeant-at-Arms will compile a list of names and telephone numbers of those who wish to participate and assign each person a number. The order of participants will be determined by a random draw that the Sergeant-at-Arms conducts from the assigned numbers.
Between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on the business day before the scheduled meeting, the Sergeant-at-Arms will contact each selected participant at the telephone number provided, and give them instructions to access the meeting, including a telephone number and passcode. The Sergeant-at-Arms will only make one attempt to call the selected participant; if there is no live response, the selection is forfeited, and the Sergeant-at-Arms will move on the next selected participant.
At the scheduled start time on the day of the meeting, selected participants must call into the meeting from the telephone number they originally provided to the City and wait to be called upon to speak.
Please note that City Council Rule 58E limits the public comment period to 30 minutes overall, with each participant limited to three minutes (both subject to modification in the reasonable, non-discriminatory discretion of the Committee chair), so there is no assurance that every person who calls will have the opportunity to speak.
Persons may also submit written comments directly to the committee at the email address listed on the Notice of Meeting posted by the committee.